NuEra Tight2021-07-06T19:18:20+02:00

Project Description

NuEra® Tight with FocalRF® Technology

Personalized, Non-invasive, Radio Frequency body sculpting treatment treating Fat Reduction, Skin Tightening, Wrinkle and Cellulite Reduction.

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Personalized Body Sculpting

No two patients are exactly alike This is why a one-size-fits-all treatment plan is no longer suitable. Now, you can leave all limitations behind and discover an unparalleled level of personalization, A treatment as unique as your patients

FocalRF Technology

Utilize multiple RF frequencies to dial-in the depth of energy penetration accounting for different indications, tissue thickness variations between body areas and patients.

No Downtime

This non-invasive treatment delivers natural looking results that last longer and feels like a comfortable hot stone massage

Highly Customizable

Lumenis developed NuEra Tight with state-of-the-art features in an easy-to-use device with an intuitive graphical user interface. Selecting proper treatment parameters is only a touch away.

4 Treatments in one device.

The NuEra Tight makes it possible to treat both face and body, enabling you to treat more patients and expand your business.

Treatments available with NuEra Tight:

Skin Tightening2021-06-23T13:50:19+02:00

NuEra Tight automatically elevates and regulates the temperature in the skin tissue to the required degree stimulating collagen, improving signs of sagging skin and wrinkles. From larger areas of the body to a smaller facial area, FocalRF technology targets the energy penetration to the dermis layer, ensuring safe and effective treatments.

Wrinkle Reduction2021-06-23T13:49:56+02:00

With high frequencies and precise temperature control, NuEra Tight is able to stimulate the activity of fibroblasts and enhance blood flow, creating an immediate smoothing effect that will continue to improve as the body’s healing mechanism generates new collagen production.

Cellulite Reduction2021-06-23T13:49:33+02:00

Powered by FocalRF technology NuEra Tight applies multiple frequencies, two treatment modes and effective mechanical massage for connective tissue manipulation, to remodel cellulite and improve the appearance of bumps and dimpling

Fat Reduction2021-06-23T13:49:10+02:00

A truly personalized body contouring experience starts with FocalRF technology treating subcutaneous fat on any region of the body easily and effectively. Choose a superficial treatment at 2MHz to remove stubborn fat cells or select 470kHz for deeper heating.

Control the depth, control the results

Melissa Dean ClientAndrew Karter Client

Speaks your body language

The key parameter that determines the success of your treatment is the ability to target the treatment to the right tissue depth – and this can vary between people, and between different areas of the body.

NuEra Tight’s groundbreaking technology offers unparalleled treatment depth control: it targets tissue at the exact depth which yields the best results, so the results last longer and look more natural.

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Advanced Tools for Today’s Aesthetic Patient

Lumenis developed NuEra Tight with state-of-the-art features in an easy-to-use device with an intuitive graphical user interface.

Multiple Accessories to Treat Any Body Area

Multiple Accessories to Treat Any Body Area
Eight electrodes to perfectly match any patient from head to toe, ranging from 20mm to 100 mm. A unique design with Coated Capacitive Energy Transfer (CCET) for improved comfort & uniform heating distribution across the treatment area.

Ergonomic Handpieces
Three light-weight handpieces to obtain consistently e­ffective: Body, Face and Bipolar.

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Automatic Personalized Temperature Control ensuring therapeutic temperature throughout the procedure. Adapting the power to meet the patient’s unique features.


Advanced Protocol for Expert Users. A new level of customization applying multiple treatment protocols automatically in one treatment session. Set multiple values for frequency, temperature, time and electrode size.

FocalRF Technology

Experience a new level of control with NuEra Tight powered by FocalRF technology. Utilize 5 different frequencies to dial-in the depth of energy penetration heating specific skin and tissue layers achieving Fat Reduction, Skin Tightening, Cellulite and Wrinkle Reduction.

470kHz – Deep heating
1 and 2MHz – Medium deep heating
4 and 6MHz – Superficial heating and penetration

More and more of my patients are looking to eliminate fat in stubborn areas and tighten their skin to sculpt their body and address skin texture issues such as cellulite and wrinkles.

Thanks to FocalRF technology I am now able to tailor the treatment specifically for each patient needs achieving the desired improved appearance.

Dr. Freeda Tannous, Specialist Dermatology and co-founder of Dermaline Cosmetic Skin and Laser Center and the Medical Director

Radio Frequency treatments are among the most requested aesthetic therapies today. NuEra Tight with FocalRF technology is highly customizable with a wide selection of frequencies and handpieces that deliver fast, comfortable, and non-invasive treatments.

This result in my patients’ achieving their desired improved appearance while ensuring safety and efficacy thanks to the NuAPIC temperature-control feature.

Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakass, MD,PHD, FAAD, Clinical Dermatologist, Laser Surgeon and Researcher Dermatologist, New York